Walleye Stocking Success Report

As most of you know, the HFRLA funded an extended growth walleye stocking that was completed in Fall of 2023.  Silver Moon Springs supplied 5,550 walleye with an average size of 6.5 inches; 3,800 were released into High Lake and 1,750 were released into Fishtrap Lake.

Shocking survey. Eric Wegleitner (WDNR) completed a shocking survey of High and Fishtrap in late September and just sent us the report stating that the survival rate of the extended growth walleye from Fall 2023 was “good to quite good,” and that he would support us doing a similar stocking in Fall 2025.

The survey also indicated that the survival rate of the walleye small fingerling stocking that the DNR did in June of 2024 was very poor.

Looking ahead to Fall 2025. Based on the survival rate of the extended growth walleye stocking from Fall 2023 and Eric’s support of doing it again, the HFRLA board is recommending that we attempt to fund another stocking this coming fall.  Based on funding leftover from the 2023 stocking, donations from members designated as “fisheries” in 2024, and the reallocation from Walleyes for Tomorrow funding, we have just over $9,000. The estimate for stocking this fall is $20,000 which means we need another $11,000.  The board approved a fund match of any member donations between now and September of 2025 (similar to what they did in 2022). So, if we can raise $5,500, the HFRLA will supply the matching $5,500 and we will be able to complete an extended growth walleye stocking in Fall of 2025.

Donations for 2025 Stocking. Please consider adding an additional amount to your membership renewal designated as “fisheries” or “walleyes” so that we can do this second stocking this fall.