Water Quality Management
Water quality monitoring is an integral component of lake management. For an overview of our lakes, click the lake below to migrate to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources water quality monitoring data base.
High Lake : https://dnr.wi.gov/water/waterDetail.aspx?key=15252
Fishtrap Lake : https://dnr.wi.gov/water/waterDetail.aspx?key=15248
Rush Lake : https://dnr.wi.gov/water/waterDetail.aspx?key=15249
HFRLA has been actively involved in water sampling, both for clarity and chemistry, for many years. Our association member volunteers perform sampling on a routine basis at the “deep hole” location of each lake. No sampling is routinely done on Rush Lake as it is primarily a wetland flow-through channel with depths not exceeding seven feet. Volunteers use a Secchi disk (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secchi_disk) to evaluate water clarity and also to collect water samples for off-site laboratory analysis of total phosphorus, chlorophyll, and temperature. This data is entered into a data-base known as SWIMS (Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System). Reports on the results of periodic water clarity and chemistry testing can be found at: